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Writer, actress, art educator, toy researcher and exhibition curator.“Meninos Quietos” was the first exhibition she held and is also the title of her first book.

Every year, she participates in socio-educational projects in various regions of Brazil and other countries, such as:Olimpíada de Língua Portuguesa;FLIP;Feira de Porto Alegre;FÓLIO - Óbidos, Portugal; Mala de Herança (Heritage Bag) in Munich and Innsbruck, Austria; Brasileirinhos in Malaga, Spain. 

In Portugal, since 2011 he has been conducting research and giving lectures on the Brazilian childhood culture. 
Some of her books were selected in awards and reading incentive notices such as PNBE, PNAIC, Itaú Criança, Proac'O Livro do Palavrão', 'Brinquedos Miúdos e Graúdos', 'Comum', 'Isso Isso', 'Zurro', 'Mesma', 'Falta', 'Palavra-Chave', 'Maria José é, José Maria ia', 'ABC da Água', 'Ora Bolas', 'A menina que nunca terminava nada', 'Super-Imã e o Mar' are some of the books she published for new readers. 

Besides writing every day, she presents the exhibition PERAMBULAR and works in the project 'Poetic Objects', two works that propose reflections about the Portuguese language.

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